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October 2021 meeting notes

Tom Meyer | Published on 1/12/2022

Great Plains Woodturning Club Minutes

website: or

October 19, 2021

Sam Boon’s Shop

6815 Seward Avenue


Myron Heusinkvelt, new club president, started off the meeting at approximately 7:00 pm.


Three guests introduced themselves. Nathan, Jeff and Ryan.   Sounded like a couple of them would join the club.  Mentioned that partial year dues of $25 is still due by several folks. Tom Myer’s created a sign in sheet that shows if one still owes dues.


Treasurers Report:  Steve Mawson indicated there was a balance of $5302.99.   A bill for the hosting service of $324 to cover three years is due to be paid. After it’s paid balance will be $4979.35.  Fiscal year is April 1st - March 31st.  Membership fee for the full year is $40.


Demonstrations: For November will be Finishing by Jim Ruppelt, Bill Jurgensen and Sam Boon.

            —November will re-start our quarterly raffle.  Members are encouraged to bring items for the raffle such as tools, wood, finished items, etc.  There will be three, $10 gift certificates from Craft Supplies as well.  Tickets are $1 each or $5 for 6.


For December, it was indicated it would be a Holiday event.  Members are encouraged to bring some holiday treats, finger food, snacks, etc.  And to consider bringing Christmas related turnings to for show and tell.


Tom Meyer demonstrated the new website for the club and handed out a “cheat” for those of us who are more technology challenged (yours truly included in this.)  Two web addresses can be used: or  If you are a paid member, you can click on the ‘Member Login” in the upper right corner of the page to gain full access to the website.  Non-members can view a few things such as the photos of turnings that members have shared.  Members may also post some of their own photos.  The handout is included as a separate page with these minutes.  Tom encouraged everyone to log in and after logging in update your profile with at least a phone number and email so members may connect with each other.


Tom also mentioned the newsletter that recently went out to paid members and asked how many received it via email.  He’s going to try to get one out once a month and also try to set up a section so members could show items they might have for sale, mainly tools. 


We broke for show and tell and then came back for the demonstration.


Demonstration was by Steve McCown and  Duane Grosse on tool making. 













